In the dynamic world of human services, EmberHope constantly adapts to meet the multifaceted needs of those we serve. A critical challenge that has emerged, not just for EmberHope but across the entire sector, revolves around the recruitment and retention of a younger, more front-line workforce. Jeff Bormaster, L.C.S.W., a veteran in the field, illuminates this issue through his insightful commentary in the “Out of the Box” newsletter for August 2023.
Bormaster’s analysis points to a pivotal realization: the conventional practices of human services agencies are no longer viable when it comes to engaging Gen Y and Gen Z workers—individuals under the age of 41 who are essential for the future of service delivery. Drawing from comprehensive studies, he uncovers a profound truth: these younger generations seek more than just a job—they seek purpose, flexibility, and an alignment of values with their employer.
Echoing recent studies, including those from LinkedIn and Adobe, Bormaster underscores a widespread sentiment among younger workers—a quest for meaningful work, ample opportunities for skill development, and a crucial demand for work-life balance. This ‘Great Reshuffle’, as it’s termed, is not merely about changing jobs but about seeking fulfillment and recognition within the workplace.
The insights provided by Bormaster are not just observations but a call to action for leaders within human services organizations like EmberHope. To attract and retain the next generation of workers, a radical overhaul of traditional HR models, organizational values, and leadership approaches is required. Offering more than competitive wages but a culture that promotes flexibility, inclusivity, and personal growth is imperative.
At EmberHope, we are committed to leading this transformation. Recognizing the unique needs and values of younger generations is the first step toward building a more dynamic, empathetic, and sustainable workforce. Only through intentional effort to understand and implement these changes can we ensure the continued delivery of high-quality services to those in need.
In line with Bormaster’s advice, EmberHope is poised to reevaluate and realign our practices to better serve not just our clients but also our employees. It’s a pivotal moment for change, resilience, and growth as we continue to strive for excellence in fulfilling our mission.
For further insights and detailed analysis, refer to Jeff Bormaster’s August 2023 article in the “Out of the Box” newsletter, a must-read for any leader in the human services field looking to thrive in these changing times. To access the newsletter and join the conversation on improving organizational and outcome performance in human services, reach out to Bormaster directly via email at
Source: “Out of the Box” Newsletter Article, written by Jeff Bormaster, L.C.S.W., August 2023.