change in 2,300 families
positive change
rooted in faith
Offering Help For Children And Teens In Crisis
Programs inspiring positive change.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10
Find your fit. Ignite your passion. Change a life.
Our team values each and every family we serve and has created a welcoming place for families and children navigating the challenges of foster care reintegration, adoption, and independent living case management in Sedgwick County.
Our trained and experienced counselors use proven practices that nurture better communication and foster healthier patterns – which leads to lasting, positive change.
Foster Care
With the help of our highly supportive team, foster parents are equipped to provide the physical and emotional support needed to nurture while working towards the shared goal of safe and healthy family reunification.
Our trauma-informed services help nurture children in our residential program, allowing them to safely return to their families and communities.